Category: Non-Fiction

old leather bound bible 0

Re-discovered Fossils

Parables can be learned from many events. Usually, lessons are learned from the past. In my opinion, most parables that can still be applied in modern society can be learned from The Holy Bible....

stack of old books 0

A ‘Present’ From the Past

With a simple description of the event that took place involving two Harlots women and King Solomon, one can grasp the full spectrum of the multiple themes can be applied to ourselves and into...

marriage advice 1

Surname Changed

People ask me,”When are you going to change your surname?” First, make me clear that is it really all about only changing surname? That’s it? No, according to what I feel. It is about...

how to drink wine 0

Slow Travel: An Amateur Drinks Wine

Non-Fiction I am no expert on Wine. In a blind taste test, I probably wouldn’t able to distinguish one wine from another, one vintage from another, or one grape from another. Neither would I...

elena ferrante article 1

Elena Ferrante: The Story of a Name

Non-Fiction What does Elena Ferrante have in common with Mark Twain? How about George Sand, George Eliot, C.S. Forester, Ford Maddox Ford? Who are these people? Aaron Wolfe, Anthony Burgess, Anne Perry, Ayn Rand,...

Life story 0

The Perfectly Imperfect Life

Non-Fiction Everyone wants perfection. Humanity thrives on the mere idea of reaching a stage of ‘perfection.’ The definition of perfection varies from person to person. Vast, like the universe. But at every stage of...

Pokémon Go 0

The Virtual Realm

Article We live in a world where hashtags create revolutions and online petitions mould decisions. The internet is at its optimum and digital media has taken the world by storm. A new concept of...

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Arachnophobia in Australia

Once upon a time Down Undah, I woke up in the middle of the night one eve and got out of the bed my partner and I shared. I had to pee, you see....

Court Articles 1

Breakin’ the Law – Part Two

Court Articles   cont’d from part one One excellent thing about Los Angeles is that since we are all transplants and no one but the Red Hot Chili Peppers are original natives, we are...