Tagged: meeting

haibun poem 1

Open Meeting

Haibun Standing room only in the community room of a local church on a Friday night. A blonde in knee-high riding boots checks Facebook. The co-chair runs the business portion of the Open AA...

fate fiction 0

Dates and Times

Short Story I leave for work everyday at 7:45. It’s four and a half blocks away. I always arrive at 8:15, which gives me fifteen minutes to get settled. At 7:56 everyday, I see...

poems about school 0

Dazed and Confused

Haibun Poem   Voices droned on. About Chancellors’ regulations. Graduations. Assessment deadlines. In a whirl after I looked for colleagues to ask about free periods. Stapled borders to bulletin boards. Attended pointless Professional Development....

Joystick 2

Zedlist – Part Four

Kevin went white, took a sip from his mug and choked on his coffee, losing composure and spluttering the muddy liquid onto the man’s coat. It looked very much at home in the matted...

Zedlist - Part Three 2

Zedlist – Part Three

“RISING TEENAGE RAP STAR STABBED TO DEATH AT FRIEND’S MEMORIAL SERVICE.” Kevin vaguely recognised the angry looking young man on the front page – one of the many celebrities he had seen before, but...