Tagged: metaphor


Blackbird Artist

Poem   Something drips, Thick like candle-wax, Warm like blood, From the top of the canvas down to the bottom, Making a jet-black streak on the blinding white. A pair of wings shadows the...

good and evil poem 0

A Rose on Kostenka Street

Poem   Someone dropped you (a rose,) on Коstenka street: I found you while I tramped the crunchy road, As I skidded on Karaganda sidewalk-sleet, Down the snowy, boot-printed lane, Shivers slinging from my...

existential poem 0

Electric Sparks

Poem   Slowly waking, one by one, A hive of glowing fireflies: I watch them burning to life Wondering what dreams they’re dreaming What each one is thinking Alone in his glowing cell; Bright...

existential flash fiction 0

The Starfish That Stayed

Flash Fiction   Number three Once upon a time there was a Hippie called Phil. His neck was long as well as his arms. He had red hair and a black skin. His feet...

People are Carousels 0


You fear the lost the judgement in their eyes the vanishing smile while the sun burns your skin and dies. Why are you hurting? People are carousels. They turn and turn and turn and...