Tagged: mood

moonlight poem 0


Poem   Moonlight – shy and pallid, pale is your face and amid the brightest stars it shines! Moonlight – kisses, passion- strongest, hottest – my emotion, deeper than the boiling ocean. Moonlight- path...

poem about being alone 0

Alone In The Room

Poem   The fan keeps on spinning To the sound of the dripping Tap steel still as a statue Alone in the room Blinding white light through The window that frames her Face white...

winter poetry 0


Poem   The day is grim, misshapen clouds grin, silhouettes of trees reaching out for me. Nothing stops the pain, I cannot feel the rain… It is winter, the wind is not a friend,...

morning poems 0

The World’s Exhale

Poem   Waking up I hear the rain, the wind rustling the tree branches The rushing of car wheels spinning over the wet streets I see the blue light peeking from behind the curtains...

poem about dreaming 0


Poem About Dreaming   Looking up under the water Watching the light flicker The blue, the trees Clouds dancing in the reflections Seeing the world from the inside A view from afar A moment...