Tagged: poem #31

poem about pain 0


Poem   Even if I’d set out to intentionally create a source of pain, I couldn’t have done better. Because it never really leaves, it only lessens, Becomes distracted by a leg cramp here,...

Owl 0


Tasting you through the bastion you set up Need progresses farther; lightning in a slingshot slip does just that, to the floor yours tastes like it was waiting for mine a cool rendition of...

Relationship Poems 2


Relationship Poems   I can be a butterfly if you like A colourful little creature Full of grace and beauty Or the fresh grass in spring If you wish Snuggled by the rain On...


Belong To

Poem No, I’m not yours, I belong to the Sky, my home is the sea, the wind is my brother, and I talk to the stars, they know how I am, never force me...

anger poem 0

Anger Revealed

Sometimes I want to burn them all, to wash away all the dirt beneath their dirty feet, make them fall and fall, from the cliffs; into waters underneath. Anger is my God! I pray...

existential poem 0

Electric Sparks

Poem   Slowly waking, one by one, A hive of glowing fireflies: I watch them burning to life Wondering what dreams they’re dreaming What each one is thinking Alone in his glowing cell; Bright...

searching poem 0


Poem   Chasing I often ask those why´s but the more I asked The more I lose my way tapping in the dark. Where is the thread of life and light I have offered...

Epiphany Poem 0


Poem   I realized, Perfect weekend is sitting in bed and reading a book I realized, You cannot have everything you want in life. I realized, It is okay to have no one beside...

Self-Reflective Poem 0

Winter’s Midas

Self-Reflective Poem   My chest feels like an emptied stone cave Nestled in the peaks of pine-ridden mountainside In which a giant, brown grizzly once hibernated But decided to finish his sleep months earlier...

Reflection Poems 0

Man About Town

Reflection Poems   I’ve spent so much time reflecting on the lives of everyone else, it’s time to turn the mirror around and have a look at myself. I don’t really do – anything....

Family Poems 0

Sleep Over

Poem   My nephew turned five and asked me to sleep over the other day. We’d spent most of it together: going for dim sum, then a puppet show, kicking the Hover Ball, building...

Poems About Love 0

Not Too Many and Not Too Few

Poem Trying to lightly find connection by trimming the tree of lost affection Cut too deeply with a desire for more Hurts and pulls the roots from the core Continue to trim those dying...