Category: Non-Fiction

story about oneself 0

What’s In A Name

Story About Oneself   It was chosen for me at birth because of its unique sound and the cadence upon the lip. Shanta. Like firm instruction from a seer or an edict from a...

police articles 0

Breakin’ The Law – Part One

Short Story   Sometimes rules are meant to be broken. I HATE law enforcement officers. Well, actually, I hate the law. Yes, I kind of get why we need a set of rules to...

historical fiction 1


Historical Fiction   Graves called tophets have been unearthed in the area of ancient Carthage which was a Phoenican city-state in the region extending from Algeria,France, to Malta and Libya between the 7th to...

barcelona trip adventure 0

Barcelona – Part Two

Travel Story   continued from part one Sleeping a dramatic situation off makes all the difference in the world. Sometimes bad things happen. Some days suck. But tomorrow is a new day with new...