Tagged: poem

poem about lonely love 0

Save Me

Poems   Save me from the past, lay down, next to me and whisper softly until my end.   Save me from my sorrows, drink my poison and melt this winter, snow and years....

poem about smoking 1

Give Me A Cigarette

Poem   Give me a cigarette, you! Know, I never smoked before Don’t trust me? It’s true Give me a glass of wine, bro. Why? Silence, no one is around but the smoke and...

poem about fear 0

The Fear Of Fear

Poem it freezes you to the point you can only think what if it catches you when you wake up from a dream and stops your breath it smiles at you when you try...

poem about love and faith 0


Poem Stones Like Scenes Each with a strength Holding our tree of life. Stacked up against nature One body that’s all we have Standing at the bottom Looking up the ladder Waiting on that...

poem about humanity 0

Basic Humanity

Poem   I looked up at the night sky to see a million stars, they all shone side by side. Some dull. Others bright. I looked down at the earth below. It looked like a...

poem about rejection 0

A Poem About Rejection

Poem Another rejection Letter And soon I will have Enough rejections Slips Piling on the floor that they will form a Mountain For me to climb On the peak I will plant my flag...

haibun poem 1

A Glacial Stroll

Haibun Lake Hessian has frozen over. Two men pull a sled that holds a generator halfway across it. A couple of families walk and slide near shore. “Come on, Dad!” Frankie has already stepped...

poem about passionate love 1


Poem I can feel your breath on the back of my neck Warm puffs of air hitting the space above my collarbone But it’s kind of crazy how I can feel so alone Even...

poetry about life lessons 0

Life Lesson

Poem   All I learned from life is you never know what’s about to follow, what’s true and real, when it’s gonna rain, when the time will stop, if your smile will last or...

haibun poetry 1

Snow Removal Irony

Haibun Another blizzard, another day off. I brush a half inch of water out of the garage before I start the snow-crusted Toro. The hum of the four-cycle motor fills the frigid air. The...

poem about fear 0

Addiction Is A Common Emotion

Poem Becoming addicted to something really isn’t that hard. It happens everyday. People get addicted to cigarettes. It seems innocent, until it kills you from the inside. I am not addicted to cigarettes. People...

poetry about thinking 0


Poem I am standing at the edge of the water Staring at the invisible horizon And I am but a grain of sand on the beach About to be washed away or returned to...