Faith, or Lack Thereof

Esoteric Poem
O secrets that you keep old Faith
That draw upon my simple sorrow
Your unknown the most tantalizing bate
Knowing yesterday of my return tomorrow
O secrets that you keep old Faith
Promising complete, surest relief
Tailored to my most fearsome wraith
White tulip ready for the death of my disbelief
O secrets that you keep old Faith
My commitment made, reason sheathed
Kneeling before you night and day
Below your pedestal of candles and wreaths
O secrets that you keep old Faith
I may have spot through candle smoke
A sign, a sure meaning my hope’s to allay
My soul to join with your mys’try uncloaked
O secrets that you keep old Faith
Of how to strip a man so bare
Watching now my mind’s own wake
My naked soul’s friend be solely your Stare
O secrets that you keep old Faith
The following one be all I need
(After this line sings eighth of eight)
Is that you keep just out of reach.
more by A. M. Laine
photograph by Jon Tyson