Tagged: home

Free Verse Poem 0

Dawn Rising

Free Verse Poem   In Jackson dawn rises as slowly as a weary, puerperal mother. The sky is a deep, pale azure hidden just above the tree line. With expectant pride it hovers over a...

Sun 3

Upon Losing a Childhood Home

My mother swore for the twenty-three years we lived there that the house was grey when, clearly, it was white. White with black shutters and one-two-three on the mailbox and the old camper in...

Kitchen Old 0

Zedlist – Part Nineteen

“That’s exactly what they want you to believe, they’ve brainwashed you, mum.” “I won’t listen to any more of this nonsense, if you carry on you can go to your room”, Valerie said. “I’m...

Winter Home 1

So Warm, My Home

The sun has set, yet the day is near, the winter reigns, but the summer’s here, snowy, cold and distant are the paths, but there is joy and light within my heart. Far beyond...

Sunset 0


Eyes stinging in the stale air around me I watch the sun rise below me A new world lies before me. Am I home? Exclamations I can’t understand Stranger’s faces in a foreign land...

Freestyle Poems About Life, Window Vase 2

Watching Too

Freestyle Poems   Late into the night it watches me doing my necessary duties, complaining on the phone, reading in bed, setting my alarms, making preparations for the coming tomorrow, like an estranged lover...