
Contemporary Poems
Standing in Hollywood and all is well
The crowds start to swell as the night unveils
Stars poking out, only the brightest can be seen
Neon sprites shining lights on the path to your dreams
The glamour in the streets is not all that it seems,
Sidewalks dingy from garbage and dirt that is unseen
Far from the postcards and pictures you’ve known
Look deeper past the curtains of the Hollywood shown
Guys and girls dressed to impress
With pomp and Prada catching the eye of the best
What the lights and the sounds in the night won’t show
Is that who you are tonight, tomorrow, no one will know.
Standing in Hollywood and all is not well
The crowds start to dwindle as morning comes without fail
Sun shining on pavement once littered with youth
Is now exposed for it’s nature and littered with truth.
more by E.J. TANNER
photograph by Rohit Padmanabhan