Death of a Karaganda January

The world swims into focus
And I pick the burden back up,
Smile and wave.
Through my special glasses, some days,
Is the only way I can bear it.
Drudgery has eaten a hole
Deep inside my soul.
I am become a number
In a sea of numbers,
Slave to a vampire
Working night and day
At the robot factory.
Feelings come out one by one
Striking my brain like pinecones.
I feel time tick slowly by
The future is but an illusion
The present, like a melting wisp of smoke
Is the one brilliant chance.
You remind me of this
With the blood you draw from my heart
One sharp needle-prick at a time
You wad the storm-clouds in my sky
Up like silken curtains
And turn up the sun.
First I shun the light and try to hide
But soon I succumb to the healing beams.
I am in pain but I must feel it to grow.
I’m still alive, I’m still here,
I’m still in love with you.
more by Lëaf Ednïwinga
photograph by Siyan Ren

Love the way this one makes you think. I love the line; ‘ And turn up the sun’ 🙂