Ironic Contrasts

The sun teases us all. A shower of fiery light promises warmth before rain-filled cumulus eclipse it. A spatter of cold drizzle falls. Then stops. A breeze reminiscent of the record-setting bygone winter slices through our layers. We shelter in Tommy Hilfiger.
good intentions…
shivering while walking through
Woodbury Commons
I step inside Starbucks. A casual glance to my left: Stephan Pascarella of Columbus looks back. Mutual recognition. Shop talk while we wait on line. Restlessness after we part.
lukewarm sip
Red-apple Court under
a cloud-covered sun
Later, we’re home. Sunlight brightens the tile floor in the kitchen, the translucent drapes in the dining room. Mira and Frankie head back out. I imagine our darkened bedroom. Our comforter pulled back. A shirt, a belt, shoes left on the floor. Occasional creaking the only betrayal of our dance.
So much daylight left…
cold wind
wrestling my demons
photograph by Dogancan Ozturan

Your haibuns flow like a river. I never skip one.