Only In Spaghetti Westerns
Sergio Remon Alvarez
19 January 2016
I saw tumbleweed for
the first time and I thought:
“It exists!” I am from one
of those old European
cities where there are no
such things as tumbleweed.
So I think it anomalous; the
sort of thing which appears
only in spaghetti westerns
(in itself, a wonder).
But here I am, jogging in
Arizona, and I see spiny scrub
detach and roll across the road
in front of me and I say, with glee,
“Ahah! There is such a thing as
photograph by New Old Stock
Image Curve’s Manifesto

Views: 26
Tags: Europenew poempoem 9rebellionspaghetti westerntumblweed
Sergio Remon Alvarez
Born in Madrid Sergio moved to New York City at a young age. He studied playwriting under Karl Friedman and theater at Purchase College. After college, Sergio moved to Alta, Utah where he was a dish washer, waiter, handyman, ski repairman, firefighter and free-skier. Upon his return to New York City, Sergio has alternately been a bookseller, boxer, painter, translator, graphic artist, jazz musician, and writer. He studied creative writing at Gotham Writer's Workshop, the Unterberg Center for Poetry, the St Marks Poetry Project, and New York University. He currently splits his time living in New York and Madrid. He runs with the bulls in Pamplona.
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