Tagged: sci-fi

Desolate Alley 2

Zedlist – Part Five

Tim led the way through the small coastal town, his long fur coat trailing in the wind. They were walking at a fast pace back towards St. Leonards Station. Tim crossed the road, taking...

Joystick 2

Zedlist – Part Four

Kevin went white, took a sip from his mug and choked on his coffee, losing composure and spluttering the muddy liquid onto the man’s coat. It looked very much at home in the matted...

Zedlist - Part Three 2

Zedlist – Part Three

“RISING TEENAGE RAP STAR STABBED TO DEATH AT FRIEND’S MEMORIAL SERVICE.” Kevin vaguely recognised the angry looking young man on the front page – one of the many celebrities he had seen before, but...

Zedlist 4

Zedlist – Part Two

‘Celebritydeathlist.com’ listed fifty celebrities considered most likely to die each year, as voted for by the dedicated curators of the site. The names got checked off with a skull and cross bones as each...