A Dragon-Riding Day (9/18/14)

I leave late. The traffic begins at the Garden State Parkway connector. The New York State Thruway, covered in fiberglass and steel, stretches into the blinding brilliance of sunrise. I arrive at work after 8, when I needed to get there well before.
the long gap in front
of the car before me
I turn my card. Maria stands at the long counter. Sandra is out. Five piles of hand-outs lie spread out before me. Maria needs me to select which ones to give out. By the time I finish, I have little time left to prep for my own first class.
morning class
ten handouts for
three who’ve shown
Third Period. I’m alone. Incessant talking, little progress. Fifth period: none. Bryan tells me to “shut the fuck up.” I have him escorted out.
so much noise
the stiffness
of my jaw
Periods in-between photocopying materials. Lunch spent making phone calls. Three-in-a-row after. Upon my return home, I encounter bumper-to-bumper traffic four miles from my exit.
last twilight
turning leaves
come into view