
Free Verse Poems
Sometimes my soul gets to hurtin’ me in the oddest places,
While standing over the kitchen sink, my tears fall onto the waters,
hot and heavy laden.
Sometimes my soul gets to hurtin’ me in the oddest places,
Frying chicken, I stop to check for taste and find I am unable
to swallow, my tongue no longer remembers.
Sometimes my soul gets to hurtin’ me in the oddest places,
While resting in my dreams, the sheets become my tissue.
Sometimes my soul gets to hurtin’ me in the oddest places,
Driving along, I stop at the red and blaring horns force
me back, to Go!
Sometimes my soul gets to hurtin’ me so bad,
I tremble, I hurt, I stumble in
every pain-filled direction with stayed regrets
that outnumber my days.
Sometimes, I long to cross
over into peace.
Odd, isn’t it?
Photograph by imcreator.com

I love this poem. It’s me. It’s me. I’ll say no more.