Look Into My Eyes

Look into my eyes and tell me what would you see.
Look deeper into my mind,
Tell me, would you see me?
Would you see the thinker sitting on a rock,
Universe on his mind, trying to bring it all inside to reside?
Would you see the shit talker buzzing his mouth
Aloof, laying on the sun roof, not giving a fuck,
Moving his mouth to sling mud of the dirtiest muck?
Would you see the guy who’s clearly the boss
Trying to keep the soul from getting utterly lost,
Calming the mind down before feelings get crossed?
Would you see the sex drive and follow its allure,
Jumping deep into the pool to find what love is for sure?
Would you eyeball my hate and run the other way,
Or would you see my sorrow and work up nerve to say
There will be a tomorrow, a brighter new day?
Would you catch my Joy bouncing around everywhere
See it spring then disappear, bursting into thin air?
Would you see a powerful man, taking life head-on,
Or simply see the scared, little boy praying for the dawn?
Tell me, would you see the man I am and love all the same,
Or would you look and find contempt, think of me a bane?
Would you look and see your fill of youthful aspiration,
Just to watch it fade as I age and melt into indignation?
Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see.
Look deeper into my mind,
Tell me, would you see me?
more by E.J. TANNER
photograph by Quin Stevenson