Fuck This

Fuck this…From wall to wall.
Fuck an industry that says you can’t have it all.
Fuck a world that says “Girl, you can’t.” instead of “Woman, you CAN.”
Fuck a business where you have to work twice as hard to be thought half as good as a man.
Fuck promises from people with no soul.
Fuck pouring your heart into a bottomless hole.
Fuck ‘stats’ and ‘margins’ and ‘draws’.
Fuck ‘look’ and ‘image’ and masking ‘flaws’.
Fuck uniformity, homogeneity
Fuck killing all sense of originality.
Fuck squeezing tight into the mold.
Fuck geezers telling YOU that YOU’RE too old.
Fuck the suits in the Hills who can’t handle my sass.
Fuck the sleazeballs who just want to tap my ass.
Fuck a genre, fuck a label, fuck a tag for my spirit.
Fuck you if your mind is too blind to hear it.
Fuck tact, fuck diplomacy, fuck playing the game.
Fuck thinking that Faith is a reason for shame.
Fuck everything Hollywood says I should be.
Fuck you. Fuck me.
more by VK LYNNE
photograph by Allan Holmes

Fuck ya.
A bit dark but I like the start
Raw and powerful! Great write!