Gothicarus: Part II – The Summoning

Serial Poem
“Come and slip the rigid structures;
Leave social mores far behind.
For a moment, for an hour,
For this desire, come be mine.
Let your heart throb deep within you,
Allow your tongue to have its say,
Feel the heat rise to the surface,
Forbidden hands to tease and play.
You think I will keep your counsel?
What I’ve tempted, will yet protect?
Feel you safe within my bosom?
Where thought and act do intersect?
Come and see what ‘freedom’ brings you,
Leave His sanctuary secure,
For a moment, for an hour,
For this desire, come endure…”
next chapter: Gothicarus Part III – Decisions
previous chapter: Gothicarus Part I – Unearthed
all chapters: Gothicarus
more by VK LYNNE
photograph by Paolo Naomi