Author: Lucas Howard

Seagull on the Ledge of the Ocean 2

Slam Poet

There are often many different styles of poets at a slam. I have broken it down into three categories.   1. The clever clever quippy poet. There are postmodern poets that draw attention to...

British Village 1

Zedlist – Part Seven

The Essex village had a population of less than four hundred people. There was a church, small shop, pub and cricket pitch. Several hundred acres of fields and woodland surrounded it. This was fox...

Train Hub 2

Zedlist – Part Six

Tim showed many more articles, pictures and videos to Kevin – relating to a vast range of information. Included in this was quantum physics, with detailed explanations of the fifth and sixth dimensions. Although...

Desolate Alley 2

Zedlist – Part Five

Tim led the way through the small coastal town, his long fur coat trailing in the wind. They were walking at a fast pace back towards St. Leonards Station. Tim crossed the road, taking...

Staring into the Gulf 0

Confusing Words

I often confuse words Pray – prey Accept – except Love – need You can teach me the difference I will not learn I prey, except me for my mistakes And remember that whatever...

Joystick 2

Zedlist – Part Four

Kevin went white, took a sip from his mug and choked on his coffee, losing composure and spluttering the muddy liquid onto the man’s coat. It looked very much at home in the matted...


Ad Infinitum

Resist this – cold, concrete ground beneath your feet. The clickety clack, clickety clack resound through city streets. You – are the bought and sold, led to wander endlessly around, peering in shop windows for a...

Zedlist - Part Three 2

Zedlist – Part Three

“RISING TEENAGE RAP STAR STABBED TO DEATH AT FRIEND’S MEMORIAL SERVICE.” Kevin vaguely recognised the angry looking young man on the front page – one of the many celebrities he had seen before, but...

Avoiding Cliches 4

Avoiding Cliches

He approached me after the reading, a leather satchel over one shoulder and a sizeable chip on the other. He said, “I reeeally liked your work, but don’t you think that it would be...

Zedlist 4

Zedlist – Part Two

‘’ listed fifty celebrities considered most likely to die each year, as voted for by the dedicated curators of the site. The names got checked off with a skull and cross bones as each...