The Denial

Denial Poems
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Sweet taste of temptation
Silent sound of your fear
The beat of your heart
And the taste of your tears
Your whispers like dreams
Still echo inside me
Your hands, my sweet lover
Like velvet, caress me

But now as you realise your cover is failing
You panic and stutter, spitting and cursing
Hollow and empty is all you have left me
I remember your face when I told you
I loved you. Your tears
When I said I would never leave you
That magic and passion
Has now gone all to dust

But now I am strong
I can see the way through you
Your denial and lies mean nothing to me
And I cal tell through your eyes
(Those sad, empty eyes)
That flicker and dart,
Your false smiles, your false laughter
A soul with no reason
A soul with no heart



Photograph by Jeff Meyer


Image Curve’s Manifesto

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