Category: Haibun

nature stories 1


Haibun The bike path moves. No, we do, walking it. Far enough from Lake Champlain, we still see the rippling wake catch the afternoon sun, whether moving or sitting. We keep our own pace...


Spring Deferred

Haibun It’s usually warmer here. Mira has spent many happy moments seated at this bench, soaking in the sun. Late afternoon shadows fall. A breeze rustles the endless dried oak and maple leaves still...

morning stories 1

That Morning Reluctance

Haibun Didn’t want to rise. Turned off the clock and rolled over. A half-sleep doze and I’m up. Don’t want to go; drag my body and mind and stay at the table watching dawn...

food stories 1

Old World Market

Haibun An aroma of sharp cheddar and freshly baked bread. Wood rafters and paneling rise to a slanted ceiling. A Buddha on one wall, and other cultural icons spread around. We make our way past a...

coffee shop stories 1

At a Nyack Pastier

Haibun Didiere and Dumas, Nyack, New York : The black frosting of the dark chocolate mousse pastry catches the light through the display case. “Do you want the mousse or the raspberry tart?” I...

haibun poem 1

Empty Gestures

Haibun Nothing left to offer but the rain sunset on the Ramapo Mountains not a drop falls more by FRANK J. TASSONE photograph by Frances Gunn The Writers Manifesto

haibun poem 1

Mom, Incapacitated

Haibun Mom lies on her side. Her once immaculate hair now spreads across her pillow. She doesn’t know how she is. Only that she hasn’t been out of bed more than a half an...


Making Pizza Again

Haibun The aroma of sautéed onions reaches the living room. My eyes fill with tears. She clears the onions, adds the freshly rolled baking dough to the pan. Enraptured by the scent, I fully...


A Lapse In Judgment

Haibun He tells me he needs to move his car. I tell him I can’t be party to that. He asks Sandra H. I tell her he asked and I refused. “You got me...

haibun poem 1


Haibun Frankie pounds the brown, floral-print pillow on our Lazy Boy. He screams. Then utters a long series of unintelligible noises. His tear-swollen eyes soon turn red. He never gave us a permission slip...

haibun poem 1

A Glacial Stroll

Haibun Lake Hessian has frozen over. Two men pull a sled that holds a generator halfway across it. A couple of families walk and slide near shore. “Come on, Dad!” Frankie has already stepped...

haibun poem 1

Deliverance In The Dark

Haibun Cotton sheets cling to my skin like a burial shroud. Memories of Mom arise. Her pain-soaked blue eyes, looking out from a frustration-worn face, pulsing oxygen through nasal tubes insufficient for her to...