Image Curve Blog

heartbreak fiction 0


Short Story   I saw you at the carnival. You didn’t notice me. I just lost at ring toss. I knew it was rigged but I didn’t want to be the guy who ruins...

sculpture of the verging merry in a monastery 0

Impromptu Pilgrimage: Marion Shrine

The Stations of the Cross lead us to Lady Park. There, refurbished statues, on new pedestals that depict the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary, line a path. At the end of...

poem about mistakes 0


Poem Once upon a time I dug a hole into the ground and fell in A Hole Thereupon, I did find myself in a hole I am in a hole I thought I am...

Feminist Poem 0


Poem   That was the day I pushed off from the wall with my palms, I lunged at the throat of the coward, And I hissed in his face, “no more.” Girls are taught:...

type writer remington with green potted plants 0

Four Days After Smuggs

Monday. The Orthodontist’s examination room exhibits college banners. Including Binghamton University—SUNY Binghamton—my Alma Mater. mirror to his mouth a view of his overbite Tuesday. The images from Guardians of the Galaxy float off a...

Yellow Autumn 0

While You Were Away

In knowing you I am knowing me On the path to discovery The pleasure is all mine In knowing I am Me Down the winding path The bright autumn leaves The fragrance of green...



Poem I didn’t meet you for lunch that day because I had to make a fucking run for it. I had to put as much distance between me and that place as I could....

Short Poem 0


Short Poem   You sat next to me and held my hand as we watched the play That reflected the highs and lows of a couple’s life As they shopped for beds Argued on...

old street light with purple sky 0

Another Insomnial Evening

We lie down at 11:00 in the evening. My feet, legs, elbows feel twisted and itchy. And the sheet feels like a burial shroud. A flood of thoughts and images arise, a torrent from...

affection poem 0

Drummer Boy

Poem   I knew a boy once, tall as a bell tower blew past six feet like an acquaintance in the super market he didn’t feel much like talking to. Played drums, of all...

winter poetry 0


Poem   The day is grim, misshapen clouds grin, silhouettes of trees reaching out for me. Nothing stops the pain, I cannot feel the rain… It is winter, the wind is not a friend,...

Desert Guitar 0


Later, Brendan could never remember whether he was already awake or not. Certainly he was floating somewhere close to the surface, at least, or he never would have heard it at all. But so...