Tagged: new fiction

Train Hub 2

Zedlist – Part Six

Tim showed many more articles, pictures and videos to Kevin – relating to a vast range of information. Included in this was quantum physics, with detailed explanations of the fifth and sixth dimensions. Although...

Child on the Street 2

Night Lights – Part Two

My mother always used to tell me that before I was born she could feel me with her, like a glow around her. She said she felt looked over, protected. Now all I can...

Hong Kong 2

Dog Food – Part Two

A dull thud, followed by soft movement, woke him. Sleepy and cold, he lay concealed by the blankets, his ears poised to catch another sound. A clattering, scratching on wood, a whooshing sound, a...

short story about bullying 2

Animal Dilemmas – Squirrel Duck

Short Story The band of ducks walked merrily away to the un-fenced front lawn of the farm house. They knew they were in high favor in the eyes the giant farmer. And that affirmation...

Desolate Alley 2

Zedlist – Part Five

Tim led the way through the small coastal town, his long fur coat trailing in the wind. They were walking at a fast pace back towards St. Leonards Station. Tim crossed the road, taking...

Love Pregnancy 1

Night Lights – Part One

PLEASE LEAVE ME THE WAY YOU FIND ME is printed on a notice stuck to the back of the mediator’s toilet door. Under this someone has scrawled, “Wow! A talking toilet.” In this toilet...

Duck Flock, short story about farm animals 2

Animal Dilemmas – Duck Cow

Short Story The cow had a very similar mind set to that of the sheep it had just left bewildered. It chewed grass or fodder all day, processed the ingested plants and relieved itself...

Top Fiction 0


Short Fiction   As usual I wake five minutes before the alarm. I turn it off, so as not to disturb Freya, who has another half hour before she has to get up and...