Barcelona: Matriarch

Barcelona opens its arms and you suck it all in.
The music in the bars is the only English you’ll hear:
A familiar sound is the espresso
poured alongside beers.
Pounding sangria at every stop in Eixample.
Barri Gotic’s rhythms orbiting in my head.
Your lack of sleep
From dancing all day and all night
can be made up for
by greetings from new amigos
with one kiss on either cheek!
Where the coffee’s blacker than your soul:
eager to soak up everything she’s not.
Gaudi couldn’t have built a dream this big
with promises he’d forgot.
You may wake from your slumber having been kicked into the gutter
And realize this wasn’t the place that you came to with your mother.
It’s become some place quite different. Something quite new.
This town makes you forget your fear
She has made you wiser and stronger.
Barcelona’s not for the weak heart, my dear.
Matriarch of a sacred family hugging the edge of the sea.
It’s a city with its own unique persona…
Of all the cities in all of the world
No hay lugar como BARCELONA.