Hurricane Sandy Serenade – Part Four (Finis)

Haibun Poem
November 1st
Another morning at the library: He watches POV videos, while I delete email. We cringe at the fire alarm a careless patron sets off when she steps outside to answer a call.
Later, we meet Shirley. Her professional mask rises instantly over her surprise. Frankie notices the sink in her counseling room.
Another meal in fading daylight.
We escape from the deepening cold to make All Saint’s Day mass. Only we’re thwarted by a detour and late start.
We stop by the Airmont Diner. It’s crowded, but warm. Dino seats us in a booth near the back window. I eat a mediocre cannoli and sip a weak decaf. Frankie’s ice cream makes up for it.
Soon — too soon — we leave for our dark, cold home. Sometime during the night, Mira stirs me. “We’ve got power back.”
“Yay,” I mutter, falling asleep to the rhythm of my blinking alarm clock.
banging pressboards
an almost forgotten
electric hum
previous: Hurricane Sandy Serenade, Part Three
photograph by Patrick Gothe