Image Curve Blog

short story about schizophrenia 0

Lachlan – Part Two

Short Story The paint-balling day arrived, and he got a lift with Roger to up to the venue, a sprawling wood in Hertfordshire. Pretending to be a commando with a group of old friends was...

poem about being lost and found 0

Lost and Found

Poem   Boots are covered high in mud Wind running into my skin Break it down to all that’s bare I’m looking for a story to be told Running away from those episodes Words...

suspenseful horror short stories 0

Cupcakes and Fingernails – Part Five

Horror Story Shutting the door of her room gave Jennifer an enclosed, cocoon sensation that made her knees weak and her eyelids heavy. She emptied her pockets of their contents and dropped them on...

poem about the meaning of life 0


Poem The answer is not getting home early It’s not getting things done It’s getting lost in a song And letting it take you To the ocean It’s about getting off the bus To...

stories about family memories 1

The Smuggs Chronicle, Part Eleven

Haibun Eleventh Day: August 28, 2013 Mira and I walk resort trails. We pass a bears and berries walk up the road to Notchville Park, heading toward the reservoir. Blue, plastic maple syrup sap...

poem about the ocean and love 0

The Ocean And I At The End Of The World

Poem I was there- where the sand starts to spill over, My toes splayed out across the cold tar, The marram grass combing the sky in riots. I was there with the sea in...

short story about end of the world 0

The Last Warning

Short Story Fully eclipsed amongst the vast coniferous wilderness lay a shadowy log cabin. Its exterior walls crudely fashioned from the surrounding forests collection of rotting logs, each eerily displaying long strips of cascading...

suspense thriller short stories 0

Cupcakes and Fingernails – Part Four

Short Story After a relatively routine work day, and increasingly more routine parking ticket, Jennifer spurred her clunker of a car back to her driveway without falling apart. Her mother’s car was parked beside...

short science fiction stories, future city 0

Cosmic Caper – Part Two

Science Fiction Jorwei adjusted the shoulder strap of his new electric shotgun as he stepped into the cool evening breeze. He walked across the street and leaned against the guard rail. Stretching out before...

short stories about ptsd, keyboard 0

Sand – Part Two

Short Story   I’ve been getting more angry than usual. Ever since I got home, the tiniest little shit can manage to set me off like a firecracker. I vaguely remember being an easygoing...

short stories about old friends 0

Talk 26 – Dog Day

Short Story Tolerance my friends, tolerance. People come to me to tell their sins away and to listen to mine, which are greater and more disgusting, so they feel better about themselves. But if...

stories about family memories 1

The Smuggs Chronicle, Part Ten

Haibun Tenth Day: August 27, 2013 We’re in a booth at 158 Main. Mira’s first cup of coffee is so full that she can’t add milk. Our breakfast arrives. My first bite of pancake...