Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part V

Haibun Poem
August 24th
The best part of the watermelon walk? Eating seeded watermelons under the Adventure Rangers Meeting tent after it ends.
excited girl’s
young cupped hands hold
A trembling frog
Mid-afternoon, while Frankie attends camp: the way to vacation at Smuggs!
gray clouds
a gentle rain upon
Mount Mansfield
Courtside Pool, again. The hot tubs. Frankie slides, then dives. A local youth dives with him, showing him some stunt dives. He’s my height, a little stocky, blond. Boyish face. Leaves soon after.
Piercing cumulus
Another splash
Frankie and David sing Nicky Minaj together. Frankie solos “Don’t Stop Believing.” A full house applauds.
Clear night
Third time’s the charm at
next: Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Conclusion
previous: Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part IV
photograph by Andrej Chudy

This has beed a great series 🙂 What a joy is to have a family 🙂