
I am unsure how I would like to enjoy you
Are you an appetizer
A palate cleanser
A sense awakener
A teaser, not quite enough to soothe my hunger
But enough to get me in the mood
For what is to come
Are you a delicacy
An encounter to be savored
With intensity
Imbibed and inhaling every
Every single bite
As if this time might be the last
Or are you merely a snack
A mindless choice
Something to fill that hungry void in between
Something to graze on
Touching and tasting
Consuming dispassionately
While my mind is elsewhere
Or maybe you are the main course
My true destination
A plate full of every sort of savory delight
So well-prepared and presented
Leaving me to decide how I want to delve in
Do I devour you quickly or
Do I have enough restraint to sit and inhale
For just a moment
Reveling in each and every flavor of you
Laid out for me to explore
To feast upon
To digest
And perhaps I will leave some
to take home
and enjoy the rest of you
Photograph by Maliha Mannan